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Posted by Alfred Sun CSS



webkit scrollbar




  1. ::-webkit-scrollbar 滚动条整体部分,可以设置宽度啥的
  2. ::-webkit-scrollbar-button 滚动条两端的按钮
  3. ::-webkit-scrollbar-track 外层轨道
  4. ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece 内层轨道,滚动条中间部分(除去)
  5. ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb 拖动条,滑块
  6. ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner 边角
  7. ::-webkit-resizer 定义右下角拖动块的样式


webkit scrollbar


:horizontal 水平方向的滚动条
:vertical 垂直方向的滚动条
:decrement 应用于按钮和内层轨道(track piece)。它用来指示按钮或者内层轨道是否会减小视窗的位置(比如,垂直滚动条的上面,水平滚动条的左边)
:increment 和decrement类似,用来指示按钮或内层轨道是否会增大视窗的位置(比如,垂直滚动条的下面和水平滚动条的右边)
:start 也应用于按钮和滑块。它用来定义对象是否放到滑块的前面。
:end 类似于start伪类,标识对象是否放到滑块的后面。
:double-button 该伪类以用于按钮和内层轨道。用于判断一个按钮是不是放在滚动条同一端的一对按钮中的一个。对于内层轨道来说,它表示内层轨道是否紧靠一对按钮。
:single-button 类似于double-button伪类。对按钮来说,它用于判断一个按钮是否自己独立的在滚动条的一段。对内层轨道来说,它表示内层轨道是否紧靠一个single-button。
:no-button 用于内层轨道,表示内层轨道是否要滚动到滚动条的终端,比如,滚动条两端没有按钮的时候。
:corner-present 用于所有滚动条轨道,指示滚动条圆角是否显示。
:window-inactive 用于所有的滚动条轨道,指示应用滚动条的某个页面容器(元素)是否当前被激活。(在webkit最近的版本中,该伪类也可以用于::selection伪元素。webkit团队有计划扩展它并推动成为一个标准的伪类)

另外,:enabled:disabled:hover:active 等伪类同样可以用于滚动条中。


写个实例 Demo(请在webkit浏览器下观看)。

/* 设置滚动条的样式 */
::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 12px;

/* 滚动槽 */
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
    border-radius: 10px;

/* 滚动条滑块 */
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    border-radius: 10px;
    background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:window-inactive {
    background: rgba(255,0,0,0.4);



  1. scrollbar-arrow-color: color; /三角箭头的颜色/
  2. scrollbar-face-color: color; /立体滚动条的颜色(包括箭头部分的背景色)/
  3. scrollbar-3dlight-color: color; /立体滚动条亮边的颜色/
  4. scrollbar-highlight-color: color; /滚动条的高亮颜色(左阴影?)/
  5. scrollbar-shadow-color: color; /立体滚动条阴影的颜色/
  6. scrollbar-darkshadow-color: color; /立体滚动条外阴影的颜色/
  7. scrollbar-track-color: color; /立体滚动条背景颜色/
  8. scrollbar-base-color:color; /滚动条的基色/




webkit scrollbar



你可以下载这个样式 Stylesheet,粘贴到Firefox Stylish里面体验下效果。



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">
*{ margin:0px; padding: 0px; list-style:none;}
.box { width:500px; margin:0 auto; position:relative; top:100px;  }
.Container { position: absolute; top:0px; left: 100px; width: 400px; height: 200px; background-color: #EEE; }
#Scroller-1 {  position: absolute;  overflow: hidden; width: 400px; height: 200px; }
#Scroller-1 p { margin: 0; padding: 10px 20px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; text-indent: 20px; color: #777; }
.Scroller-Container { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; }
.Scrollbar-Track { width: 10px; height: 200px; position: absolute; top: 0px; right:0px; background-color: #EEE; cursor:pointer;  }
.Scrollbar-Handle { position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 10px; height: 30px; background-color: #CCC; }
<script type="text/javascript">
var scroller  = null;
var scrollbar = null;
window.onload = function () {
  scroller  = new jsScroller(document.getElementById("Scroller-1"), 400, 200);
  scrollbar = new jsScrollbar (document.getElementById("Scrollbar-Container"), scroller, false);

function jsScroller (o, w, h) {
	var self = this;
	var list = o.getElementsByTagName("div");
	for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
		if (list[i].className.indexOf("Scroller-Container") > -1) {
			o = list[i]; // 以 o 为对象,将对象包含的class名为Scroller-Container的元素付给 对象 o			
	//Private methods
	this._setPos = function (x, y) {
		if (x < this.viewableWidth - this.totalWidth) 
			x = this.viewableWidth - this.totalWidth;
		if (x > 0) x = 0;
		if (y < this.viewableHeight - this.totalHeight) 
			y = this.viewableHeight - this.totalHeight;
		if (y > 0) y = 0;
		this._x = x;
		this._y = y;
		with (o.style) {
			left = this._x +"px";
			top  = this._y +"px";
	//Public Methods
	this.reset = function () {
		this.content = o;
		this.totalHeight = o.offsetHeight;
		this.totalWidth	 = o.offsetWidth;
		this._x = 0;
		this._y = 0;
		with (o.style) {
			left = "0px";
			top  = "0px";
	this.scrollBy = function (x, y) {
		this._setPos(this._x + x, this._y + y);
	this.scrollTo = function (x, y) {
		this._setPos(-x, -y);
	this.stopScroll = function () {
		if (this.scrollTimer) window.clearInterval(this.scrollTimer);
	this.startScroll = function (x, y) {
		this.scrollTimer = window.setInterval(
			function(){ self.scrollBy(x, y); }, 40
	this.swapContent = function (c, w, h) {
		o = c;
		var list = o.getElementsByTagName("div");
		for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
			if (list[i].className.indexOf("Scroller-Container") > -1) {
				o = list[i];
		if (w) this.viewableWidth  = w;
		if (h) this.viewableHeight = h;
	this.content = o;
	this.viewableWidth  = w;
	this.viewableHeight = h;
	this.totalWidth	 = o.offsetWidth;
	this.totalHeight = o.offsetHeight;
	this.scrollTimer = null;

function jsScrollbar (o, s, a, ev) {
	var self = this;
	this.reset = function () {
		//Arguments that were passed
		this._parent = o;
		this._src    = s;
		this.auto    = a ? a : false;
		this.eventHandler = ev ? ev : function () {};
		//Component Objects
		this._up   = this._findComponent("Scrollbar-Up", this._parent);
		this._down = this._findComponent("Scrollbar-Down", this._parent);
		this._yTrack  = this._findComponent("Scrollbar-Track", this._parent);
		this._yHandle = this._findComponent("Scrollbar-Handle", this._yTrack);
		//Height and position properties
		this._trackTop = findOffsetTop(this._yTrack);
		this._trackHeight  = this._yTrack.offsetHeight;
		this._handleHeight = this._yHandle.offsetHeight;
		this._x = 0;
		this._y = 0;
		//Misc. variables
		this._scrollDist  = 5;
		this._scrollTimer = null;
		this._selectFunc  = null;
		this._grabPoint   = null;
		this._tempTarget  = null;
		this._tempDistX   = 0;
		this._tempDistY   = 0;
		this._disabled    = false;
		this._ratio = (this._src.totalHeight - this._src.viewableHeight)/(this._trackHeight - this._handleHeight);
		this._yHandle.ondragstart  = function () {return false;};
		this._yHandle.onmousedown = function () {return false;};
			this._addEvent(this._src.content, "mousewheel", this._scrollbarWheel);			
			this._addEvent(this._src.content, "DOMMouseScroll", this._scrollbarWheel);
		this._removeEvent(this._parent, "mousedown", this._scrollbarClick);
		this._addEvent(this._parent, "mousedown", this._scrollbarClick);
		with (this._yHandle.style) {
			top  = "0px";
			left = "0px";
		if (this._src.totalHeight < this._src.viewableHeight) {
			this._disabled = true;
			this._yHandle.style.visibility = "hidden";
			if (this.auto) this._parent.style.visibility = "hidden";
		} else {
			this._disabled = false;
			this._yHandle.style.visibility = "visible";
			this._parent.style.visibility  = "visible";
	this._addEvent = function (o, t, f) {
		if (o.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(t, f, false);
		else if (o.attachEvent) o.attachEvent('on'+ t, f);
		else o['on'+ t] = f;
	this._removeEvent = function (o, t, f) {
		if (o.removeEventListener) o.removeEventListener(t, f, false);
		else if (o.detachEvent) o.detachEvent('on'+ t, f);
		else o['on'+ t] = null;
	this._findComponent = function (c, o) {
		var kids = o.childNodes;
		for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) {
			if (kids[i].className && kids[i].className == c) {
				return kids[i];
	//Thank you, Quirksmode
	function findOffsetTop (o) {
		var t = 0;
		if (o.offsetParent) {
			while (o.offsetParent) {
				t += o.offsetTop;
				o  = o.offsetParent;
		return t;
	this._scrollbarClick = function (e) {
		if (self._disabled) return false;
		e = e ? e : event;
		if (!e.target) e.target = e.srcElement;
		if (e.target.className.indexOf("Scrollbar-Up") > -1) self._scrollUp(e);
		else if (e.target.className.indexOf("Scrollbar-Down") > -1) self._scrollDown(e);
		else if (e.target.className.indexOf("Scrollbar-Track") > -1) self._scrollTrack(e);
		else if (e.target.className.indexOf("Scrollbar-Handle") > -1) self._scrollHandle(e);
		self._tempTarget = e.target;
		self._selectFunc = document.onselectstart;
		document.onselectstart = function () {return false;};
		self.eventHandler(e.target, "mousedown");
		self._addEvent(document, "mouseup", self._stopScroll, false);
		return false;
	this._scrollbarDrag = function (e) {
		e = e ? e : event;
		var t = parseInt(self._yHandle.style.top);
		var v = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - self._trackTop;
		with (self._yHandle.style) {
			if (v >= self._trackHeight - self._handleHeight + self._grabPoint)
				top = self._trackHeight - self._handleHeight +"px";
			else if (v <= self._grabPoint) top = "0px";
			else top = v - self._grabPoint +"px";
			self._y = parseInt(top);
	this._scrollbarWheel = function (e) {
		e = e ? e : event;
		var dir = 0;
		if (e.wheelDelta >= 120) dir = -1;
		if (e.wheelDelta <= -120) dir = 1;
		if(e.detail >=3) dir= 1;
		if(e.detail <=-3) dir = -1;
		self.scrollBy(0, dir * 20);
		e.returnValue = false;
	this._startScroll = function (x, y) {
		this._tempDistX = x;
		this._tempDistY = y;
		this._scrollTimer = window.setInterval(function () {
			self.scrollBy(self._tempDistX, self._tempDistY); 
		}, 40);
	this._stopScroll = function () {
		self._removeEvent(document, "mousemove", self._scrollbarDrag, false);
		self._removeEvent(document, "mouseup", self._stopScroll, false);
		if (self._selectFunc) document.onselectstart = self._selectFunc;
		else document.onselectstart = function () { return true; };
		if (self._scrollTimer) window.clearInterval(self._scrollTimer);
		self.eventHandler (self._tempTarget, "mouseup");
	this._scrollUp = function (e) {this._startScroll(0, -this._scrollDist);};
	this._scrollDown = function (e) {this._startScroll(0, this._scrollDist);};
	this._scrollTrack = function (e) {
		var curY = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
		this._scroll(0, curY - this._trackTop - this._handleHeight/2);
	this._scrollHandle = function (e) {
		var curY = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
		this._grabPoint = curY - findOffsetTop(this._yHandle);
		this._addEvent(document, "mousemove", this._scrollbarDrag, false);
	this._scroll = function (x, y) {
		if (y > this._trackHeight - this._handleHeight) 
			y = this._trackHeight - this._handleHeight;
		if (y < 0) y = 0;
		this._yHandle.style.top = y +"px";
		this._y = y;
	this._moveContent = function () {
		this._src.scrollTo(0, Math.round(this._y * this._ratio));
	this.scrollBy = function (x, y) {
		this._scroll(0, (-this._src._y + y)/this._ratio);
	this.scrollTo = function (x, y) {
		this._scroll(0, y/this._ratio);
	this.swapContent = function (o, w, h) {// 判断浏览器
			this._removeEvent(this._src.content, "mousewheel", this._scrollbarWheel, false);
			this._removeEvent(this._src.content, "DOMMouseScroll", this._scrollbarWheel, false);
		this._src.swapContent(o, w, h);



<div class="box">
    <div class="Container">
      <div id="Scroller-1">
       <div style="left: 0px; top: -596px;" class="Scroller-Container">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec
     iaculis, ante et congue feugiat, elit wisi commodo metus, ut commodo 
    ligula enim ac justo. Pellentesque id ligula. Class aptent taciti 
    sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. 
    Phasellus vitae mi a elit dictum volutpat. Pellentesque nec arcu. Etiam 
    blandit. Phasellus egestas dolor ut lacus. Sed enim justo, sagittis ut, 
    condimentum non, ullamcorper eu, neque. In hac habitasse platea 
    dictumst. Integer ipsum risus, sagittis ac, imperdiet ac, interdum sed, 
    libero. Praesent commodo. Mauris congue, urna eget hendrerit elementum, 
    dolor ligula ultrices neque, in elementum ante erat et elit.</p>
          <p>Vivamus vehicula. Integer cursus massa et nisl. Morbi pretium 
    sem eget risus. Vestibulum nec est. Donec feugiat purus et ligula. 
    Quisque semper. Sed eu ante. Curabitur suscipit porttitor libero. Nam 
    eros leo, sollicitudin eget, tincidunt vitae, facilisis a, dui. Proin 
    neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque felis.</p>
          <p>Aliquam consequat. Proin feugiat ultricies dui. Suspendisse 
    mollis dui nec nunc. Nam tristique, ante vitae imperdiet vestibulum, 
    elit nulla rhoncus nisl, vitae tincidunt dolor dui eu mi. In hac 
    habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc blandit dolor vel mauris. Proin wisi. 
    Nam pharetra ultrices tellus. Sed arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
    consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ultricies semper wisi. Sed nisl. 
    Donec blandit. Nunc vitae urna sed nisl mattis ornare.</p>
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec
     iaculis, ante et congue feugiat, elit wisi commodo metus, ut commodo 
    ligula enim ac justo. Pellentesque id ligula. Class aptent taciti 
    sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. 
    Phasellus vitae mi a elit dictum volutpat. Pellentesque nec arcu. Etiam 
    blandit. Phasellus egestas dolor ut lacus. Sed enim justo, sagittis ut, 
    condimentum non, ullamcorper eu, neque. In hac habitasse platea 
    dictumst. Integer ipsum risus, sagittis ac, imperdiet ac, interdum sed, 
    libero. Praesent commodo. Mauris congue, urna eget hendrerit elementum, 
    dolor ligula ultrices neque, in elementum ante erat et elit.</p>
          <p>Vivamus vehicula. Integer cursus massa et nisl. Morbi pretium 
    sem eget risus. Vestibulum nec est. Donec feugiat purus et ligula. 
    Quisque semper. Sed eu ante. Curabitur suscipit porttitor libero. Nam 
    eros leo, sollicitudin eget, tincidunt vitae, facilisis a, dui. Proin 
    neque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque felis.</p>
          <p>Aliquam consequat. Proin feugiat ultricies dui. Suspendisse 
    mollis dui nec nunc. Nam tristique, ante vitae imperdiet vestibulum, 
    elit nulla rhoncus nisl, vitae tincidunt dolor dui eu mi. In hac 
    habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc blandit dolor vel mauris. Proin wisi. 
    Nam pharetra ultrices tellus. Sed arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
    consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ultricies semper wisi. Sed nisl. 
    Donec blandit. Nunc vitae urna sed nisl mattis ornare.</p>
  <div style="visibility: visible;" id="Scrollbar-Container">
    <div class="Scrollbar-Track">
      <div style="top: 70px; left: 0px; visibility: visible;" class="Scrollbar-Handle"></div>





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